Wednesday, September 26, 2012

summer's over

There's not much happening around here. I did get an iPhone 5, but I can't fully use it until I upgrade my old Mac's operating system--d'oh!

Anyway, here are some random photos from the last few weeks of summer.

A sand castle on Montrose Beach.

Squash blossoms ready for stuffing and frying. These are from an accidental squash plant in the beau's backyard--"accidental" because he threw out some seeds last year for compost.

The Great Western Trail between Sycamore and Saint Charles, Illinois--built on an old railroad track. Great ride, except we weren't very smart about preparing. We left at 11 AM on what turned out to be a 90-degree day for a 30-mile ride. I started to get a headache and chills when we were almost home--beau went and got the car for me. I think he was a little worried he was going to find a limp corpse when he got back, but I was fine. It's always smart to listen to your body though!

Montrose Harbor at sunset.

Impulse purchase! It's a hunter green vintage Raleigh. It's beautiful but so heavy--not really practical for someone who likes to ride fast. Also it's got an old bike license on the back fender from my hometown, so I had to have it.

And how was YOUR summer?