Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas decor

I was pretty pleased with my efforts at Christmas trimming this year, especially the wreaths, which I made myself (ahem).

"What is this thing doing on my napping spot?"
Unfortunately Christmas shopping makes me cranky and now I'm getting sick. Still, I seem to have more Christmas cheer this year than usual, a good thing since I'm having people over for dinner Christmas Eve. I have been looking longingly at recipes for pot-au-feu, which would seem to be a terrific special-occasion dish, but I know all the shopping and preparation on my own is a little too ambitious. Instead I'm thinking of some type of rib roast, plus homemade pasta. And then vin santo and cantuccini for dessert.

Wherever you are, Joyeux Noel, Buon Natale, Merry Christmas, Auguri, and Happy New Year!


  1. That;s a pretty impressive wreath! Well done!
    And I love the look on the cat's face, it is totally, "what is that thing and why is it here??" Funny!

  2. I've been getting sick too, I really should take something. Lovely decorations!

  3. Hope you're feeling better now. You've made some lovely decorations, I wish I was as talented as you.
    Thanks for visiting my blog. Joyeux Noël!
