Tuesday, May 21, 2013

more nice weather

We got up into the 80s this weekend--perfect for a long bike ride along Chicago's lakefront. We went all the way from the north side to a detour in downtown's Grant Park to 47th street, where there's a quiet little beach that is my boyfriend's favorite (hope I didn't ruin it for him, but no one reads this blog anyway).

My annual photo of Buckingham Fountain. It's modeled after one in Versailles but is much bigger. It's such a tourist attraction but it's still one of my favorite spots in the city because it makes me so happy. Apparently spraying water releases positive ions, so it's all just a chemical reaction. Whatever, I'll take it.

Need to do some weeding around here.

Boyfriend actually jumped into the lake. Water temperature was about 54 degrees--not quite icy enough to cause instant hypothermia but still more than just bracing. I'll wait until about July, when it's warmed up a bit.

Unfortunately I don't think there will be too much bike riding along the lake or going for a dip this Memorial Day weekend, as the temperatures are only supposed to get into the 60s. We are really getting hosed this spring. Every day that it's nice weather, I have to make sure to enjoy it fully, because who knows how long it will last?

Thursday, May 16, 2013


After a very long and cool spring, it looks like warm weather is finally here to stay (fingers crossed).
Peonies are my favorite flower. Their season is too short!

Green things growing on the shores of the North Pond in Lincoln Park, Chicago.

A view across the pond to the city.